
Welcome to our Bakery Site. A little about us, Cindy and Emily are a mother daughter Baking team and have been heating up the kitchen since 1996. Our Specialties include Cinnamon Rolls, Pecan Rolls, Kolaches, Cookies and newly Artisan Breads. We invite special orders and we love giving you a break from the kitchen, shhh we won't tell anyone you didn't make it yourself. Please feel free to check out our website and subscribe to get updates on our shop. Thanks for stopping in!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Oh I just love special orders.  Fulfilling a large special order is so exciting to me! I know I know I sound crazy, it could be the heat from the oven or the intoxicating aroma, I'll never know, but it is so fun to see the process from raw ingredients to yummy goodies. I finished up an order for a local bank and thought I'd share the experience so you all can see the process behind baking a 260+ Kolache order, yes I wrote 260...

The day from (almost) beginning to end,

I apologize there are no photos of the mixing process, I didn't think about documenting until I had already rolled the Kolaches out.  Who wants to look in a mixer of dough anyways...

Kolaches on their FIRST rise in their ball form,

Kolaches are filled with delicious fruit filling, topped with our "sprinkles" and on their SECOND rise 

All Baked up. A towering rack of Kolaches is probably one of the finest looking things I've ever seen, (the pictures do NOT do it justice) and that SMELL! Oh gosh.  I have developed a very strong will in order to not eat them all myself!


Wish you were here to see this! We are always taking orders, please give us a call or email us, we'd LOVE to bake for you!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Marble Rye

If I can toot my own horn without seeming presumptions I would say 'This recipe is Ahhmazing!'
My goal was to create a rye bread that didn't have to heavy and flat texture which most homemade Rye falls victim to, instead I wanted a Rye that is less dense but still holds that Rye flavor and let me tell you I hit the spot!

This Rye is a light take on a traditional Czech Rye, with caraway seeds swirled in the flavor is hard to resist. My product testers (who happen to be my siblings, ages 10-20) couldn't get enough, they even asked for it as toast in the morning before school! Now THAT is saying somethin'. I made my husband (who is a HUGE fan of Rye) a Ruben sandwich for dinner 3 nights in a row! Needless to say this is a MUST try.

Here are some pictures so you can see not only how tasty it looks but also how pretty swirl is.  

Here is the Dough right after I rolled the Light and Dark together. Looks similar to our cinnamon rolls...

How great are those swirls?

look at those perfect slices! The loaf cuts so nicely.

Be sure to Try our MARBLE RYE bread.

The C.J.BEN's Bakers

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Brick and Mortar

14+ years in the making and now we are gaining some headway on a brick and mortar bakery site! a.k.a store.

We have looked at multiple sites in the past year and a half and for one reason or another they have not been the right fit.  The space that we currently have our sights on seems to have most the necessary qualifications and   it has the potential for growth as well.

We are still in the baby stages but things are coming along nicely and if we keep this up we are crossing our fingers for an April 1st 2012 OPENING!

Now I know you all have been asking for years when we are going to open a Bakery, well the time is drawing near and with your prayers and well wishes we hope to grant your wish and fill your tummies.

More updates will be coming, stay tuned!

The Bakers.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Bread of the week: Vermont Cheddar

It is snowing like the dickins outside today, we are expecting 6-8 inches around here in the next 12hrs or so, makes for a perfect time to heat the oven up!  I am so excited to show you all our Vermont Cheddar Artisan Bread.  This round loaf is my favorite (although I try not to play favs) of the Artisans, it has a mildly sweet undertone in the crumb and the sharp cheddar gives it a good KICK!

This bread goes good with just about anything.  I've had it with soup, Spaghetti and I've made a wonderful turkey avocado bravo panini with it...oh the possibilities!

Since you can't be in my kitchen to watch hows it's made ill give you you the experience in pictures! Enjoy.

                                            Mixing the dough. Shhh the recipe is a secret...

Rising loafs

Freshly grated Vermont Sharp Cheddar

Loafs are slashed with a 'scallop' design

Add fresh Cheese

and Vol-Ah! Delicious Vermont Cheddar Bread

Monday, December 12, 2011

What a beautiful time of year to be heating up the Kitchen!

Artisan Bread baking with a delightfully delicious results! You can find information about our breads under the Specialty Tab.  Today's Bread was a basic free form 1lb Baguette round (an alternative to the elongated, traditional Baguette but just as tasty!)

It's all about the Preparation. Tip, when beginning any recipe lay out all necessary utensils and pre-measure ingredients into small individual bowls. 

Caution! Free Form Loaf on the Rise! Baguette round on the pizza peel getting ready for the oven.  The slashes on the bread complete the artisan look.  Tip, for accurate cooking temperature keep an over thermometer in your oven at all times, too cool or hot of an oven can alter your bakery's out come greatly.

Wish you all were here to get a taste! We are taking Orders,
                    C.J.BEN Bakers

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Family Bakery and More!

We are pleased to announced we are taking Special Orders!

I don't know if you've heard but Christmas is almost here! That means gathering together with friends and family, sharing memories and creating news ones.

Let us do the heavy lifting and bake delicious treats for you to enjoy along with your loved ones. We want to help make your Holiday season one to remember!